I am a concert artist who enjoys traveling internationally, and I am a teacher and personal coach.
— That’s the short story.
What I am “about”??
I am about performing!
— making “new music” sound like “old favorites”, as loved, trusted classic repertoire, and making “old favorites” sound like “new music”, as fresh pieces, being played for the first time.
I am about teaching!
—- inspiring musicians to achieve ease and depth in their playing and to be able to create compelling performances.
I am about coaching!
— helping musicians (and others) find freedom and fulfillment in their lives, also when making choices “outside the box”.
How did this all come to be? I’ll fill you in on the “long story” soon. Meanwhile, suffice it to say, my “career path” has been quite a long and winding road, with wonderful detours and visits along the way.
(Concert presenters can download an “official vita” below, and/or contact me for recent updates.)
Playing alto and bass flutes made by Altus, I am also an Altus artist. https://www.altusflutes.eu/en/musicians/camilla-hoitenga.html
I continue to treasure the flute Jack Moore made for me in 1978 (#42) — read about its ingenious inventions under Media! — and the headjoint Albert Cooper made me in 1981 to go with it. As an alternative, in 2012, I added a headjoint made by Tobias Mancke https://mancke.com/